Here’s The Real Reason the US Must Talk to Russia

It is world in which there is one master, one sovereign. I consider that the unipolar model is not only unacceptable but also impossible in today’s world. This certainly has nothing in common with democracy. As you know, democracy is the power of the majority, in light of the interests and opinions of the minority. Incidentally, Russia is constantly being taught about democracy. But for some reason those who teach us do not want to learn themselves… President Putin, March 10, 2007 Munich Conference on Security Policy

Covert Geopolitics

Future historians may well identify Russian President Vladimir Putin’s landmark March 1 speech as the ultimate game-changer in the 21st-century New Great Game in Eurasia. The reason is minutely detailed in Losing Military Supremacy: The Myopia of American Strategic Planning, a new book by Russian military/naval analyst Andrei Martyanov.

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Allies, Trade and Military Activity

Trump’s instituting punitive tariffs against targeted industries in many countries, to boost those industries in our country, are deemed unfair at best in those countries and insulting in others. Putting in place tariffs while claiming to do so in the interests of national security when the target is Canada or the European Union stretches the imagination, to say the least.

Rcooley123's Blog

The past several weeks have spotlighted President Trump’s forays into implementing his foreign policy vision. High-level meetings including long-term allies dealing with economics and trade, North Korea’s nuclear weapons program (including his meeting in Singapore with North Korean leader Kim), the NATO military alliance and the Helsinki summit meeting between President Trump and Russian leader Putin all placed great emphasis on Trump’s decidedly unconventional means of communicating with friend and foe alike.

As far as dealings with our long-term economic, political and military allies are concerned, the G7 meeting in Canada was fairly universally seen as a failure when Trump chose to use the same personally insulting rhetorical methods that helped him ascend to the Presidency after the 2016 campaign on the leaders of the United States’ main economic and political allies since at least the Second World War. His instituting punitive tariffs against targeted industries in many countries to…

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#Russiagate is not Pearl Harbor, 9/11 was not Pearl Harbor, and #Pearl #Harbor was not Pearl Harbor by David Swanson

The facts do not support the mythology. The United States government did not need to make Japan a junior partner in imperialism, did not need to fuel an arms race, did not need to support Nazism and fascism (as some of the biggest U.S. corporations did right through the war), did not need to provoke Japan, did not need to join the war in Asia or Europe, and was not surprised by the attack on Pearl Harbor. For support of each of these statements, keep reading.


via Russiagate is not Pearl Harbor, 9/11 was not Pearl Harbor, and Pearl Harbor was not Pearl Harbor by David Swanson