Michael Hudson and Radhika Desai: Since Money is Political

Super Imperialism is different from the old form of colonialism. Colonialism was all based on military occupation, essentially by force and by blocked currency areas. But Super Imperialism is how the United States has gotten a free ride from the rest of the world — how the United States has dominated other economies, not by the old colonialist form, not by having a military force in many countries, but in monetary forms.

Dandelion Salad

For All Debts... Image by AK Rockefeller via Flickr

by Michael Hudson
Writer, Dandelion Salad
February 20, 2023

Geopolitical Economy Report on Feb 10, 2023

Economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson explain the relations between money and debt, their role in imperialism, and the rise of the US dollar system.

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